Archive for April 2012

Get this bookLiberty Counsel Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman 4/17/2012 On Friday, Liberty Counsel will be delivering our petition, “Stop the War on the Constitution,” to the leadership of Congress and other targeted officials. Right now, there are over 63,000 names on the petition. Since your signature is not one of them, I could use your help to reach our goal of 75,000 signatures or beyond, which will make this petition one of our most impactful efforts to date. Bob, the gift of Liberty is too precious to squander! It is our God-ordained duty to fight for what is right and good and which was obtained and preserved at a great price. Please take a moment to sign this important petition today to help protect the system of government that has made our nation great! Time is running out to be included in this important delivery: Please see my important update below – Mat. Bob, I believe that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America lay down the master plan for our exceptional form of government and are treasures entrusted to the American people. Never before in history has a government been formed with so many checks and balances to ensure that its citizens would be free from the tyranny, autocracy, and oppression that inevitably arise when elitists demand to rule over those they consider inferior. The Founders knew first-hand that tyranny arises when “absolute power corrupts absolutely,” depriving citizens of essential liberties. President Barack Obama apparently believes that he knows better that our nation’s Founders – that the Constitution is outdated and/or irrelevant. His agenda to “fundamentally transform” America proves that belief, as it renders the constitutional principles of individual freedom and conscience protection as unworthy of being given precedence over the needs of the State. As Liberty Counsel has been consistently asserting, there is a distinct pattern to the Obama administration’s attacks on the constitutionally prescribed checks and balances at the heart of our government. Simply stated, the Obama plan is to increase the power and authority of the Executive Branch while diminishing the power of the other Branches. President Obama’s vision for our nation is diametrically opposed to that of our Founders. In fact, they would have called his approach tyrannical. ++We MUST fight to restore our birthright of liberty! The Preamble to the United States Constitution states, “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Yet, Americans have seen backroom deals, bribery, manipulation, and an imperialist style of leadership force unconstitutional mandates and unwanted legislation down our collective throats. We must not allow ANYONE to subvert the Constitution in order to form a more “socialized” union! Please, click here to sign Liberty Counsel’s “Stop the War on the Constitution” petition: Bob, as I wrote to you last weekend, I’ve never felt so compelled to unreservedly work against a president’s overreaching policies, unconstitutional mandates, unvetted czars, and tyrannical power grabs as I do now. But there has never been leadership in Washington whose clear goal is to turn our nation into a socialist state. Unless we stand up for our liberty, we may well lose it. There seems to be new instances every day of the administration circumventing our system of checks and balances and advancing the power of the Executive Branch at the expense of the Judicial and Legislative Branches. That’s why I am calling upon ALL American citizens to rise up and “Stop the War on the Constitution.” Please, click here to sign this critical petition: When you sign Liberty Counsel’s “Stop the War on the Constitution” petition, you’ll get a free copy of the “Patriot’s Handbook of American Liberty.” This special Liberty Counsel Handbook is a valuable reference guide that every American should have among his or her personal belongings. Go here to sign the “Stop the War on the Constitution” petition and to receive The Patriot’s Handbook of American Liberty absolutely free – plus we’ll also include our unique Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare bumper sticker: Please join me in signing the “Stop the War on the Constitution” petition and receive your “Patriot’s Handbook of American Liberty” – plus a “Lord, Deliver us from ObamaCare” bumper sticker: May God richly bless you! Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel P.S. We will deliver the “Stop the War on the Constitution” petitions on Friday! We cannot allow socialist czars and cohorts in federal agencies to tread upon our liberties. We MUST demand that those who swore to uphold the Constitution be held accountable to do exactly that! When you sign the petition, you will receive a complimentary copy of our “Patriots’ Handbook of American Liberty” and a “Lord, Deliver us from ObamaCare” bumper sticker. Click here to sign the petition:

April 17, 2012

Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman


On Friday, Liberty Counsel will be delivering our petition, “Stop the War on the Constitution,” to the leadership of Congress and other targeted officials.  Right now, there are over 63,000 names on the petition.  Since your signature is not one of them, I could use your help to reach our goal of 75,000 signatures or beyond, which will make this petition one of our most impactful efforts to date.

Bob, the gift of Liberty is too precious to squander! It is our God-ordained duty to fight for what is right and good and which was obtained and preserved at a great price. Please take a moment to sign this important petition today to help protect the system of government that has made our nation great! Time is running out to be included in this important delivery:

Please see my important update below – Mat.

I believe that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America lay down the master plan for our exceptional form of government and are treasures entrusted to the American people.

Never before in history has a government been formed with so many checks and balances to ensure that its citizens would be free from the tyranny, autocracy, and oppression that inevitably arise when elitists demand to rule over those they consider inferior.

The Founders knew first-hand that tyranny arises when “absolute power corrupts absolutely,” depriving citizens of essential liberties.

President Barack Obama apparently believes that he knows better that our nation’s Founders – that the Constitution is outdated and/or irrelevant.  His agenda to “fundamentally transform” America proves that belief, as it renders the constitutional principles of individual freedom and conscience protection as unworthy of being given precedence over the needs of the State.

As Liberty Counsel has been consistently asserting, there is a distinct pattern to the Obama administration’s attacks on the constitutionally prescribed checks and balances at the heart of our government.

Simply stated, the Obama plan is to increase the power and authority of the Executive Branch while diminishing the power of the other Branches.

President Obama’s vision for our nation is diametrically opposed to that of our Founders. In fact, they would have called his approach tyrannical.

++We MUST fight to restore our birthright of liberty!

The Preamble to the United States Constitution states,

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Yet, Americans have seen backroom deals, bribery, manipulation, and an imperialist style of leadership force unconstitutional mandates and unwanted legislation down our collective throats.

We must not allow ANYONE to subvert the Constitution in order to form a more “socialized” union!  Please, click here to sign Liberty Counsel’s “Stop the War on the Constitution” petition:

Bob,  as I wrote to you last weekend, I’ve never felt so compelled to unreservedly work against a president’s overreaching policies, unconstitutional mandates, unvetted czars, and tyrannical power grabs as I do now.

But there has never been leadership in Washington whose clear goal is to turn our nation into a socialist state. Unless we stand up for our liberty, we may well lose it.

There seems to be new instances every day of the administration circumventing our system of checks and balances and advancing the power of the Executive Branch at the expense of the Judicial and Legislative Branches.

That’s why I am calling upon ALL American citizens to rise up and “Stop the War on the Constitution.”

Please, click here to sign this critical petition:

When you sign Liberty Counsel’s “Stop the War on the Constitution” petition, you’ll get a free copy of the “Patriot’s Handbook of American Liberty.” This special Liberty Counsel Handbook is a valuable reference guide that every American should have among his or her personal belongings.

Go here to sign the “Stop the War on the Constitution” petition and to receive The Patriot’s Handbook of American Liberty absolutely free – plus we’ll also include our unique Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare bumper sticker:

Please join me in signing the “Stop the War on the Constitution” petition and receive your “Patriot’s Handbook of American Liberty” – plus a “Lord, Deliver us from ObamaCare” bumper sticker:

May God richly bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. We will deliver the “Stop the War on the Constitution” petitions on Friday!  We cannot allow socialist czars and cohorts in federal agencies to tread upon our liberties. We MUST demand that those who swore to uphold the Constitution be held accountable to do exactly that!

When you sign the petition, you will receive a complimentary copy of our “Patriots’ Handbook of American Liberty” and a “Lord, Deliver us from ObamaCare” bumper sticker.  Click here to sign the petition:

Yeshua is the Light of the World

April 16, 2012

Constitutional Assault

April 12, 2012
Liberty Counsel
12:36 AM (11 hours ago)

to me

Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman



In just the past 24 hours…

Representative Allen West said that as many as 80 Democrat members of Congress belong to the Communist Party…

A Washington Post-ABC News poll reported that only 40% of Americans believe the Supreme Court Justices’ ruling on ObamaCare will be based on law rather than ideology…

And that same poll revealed American support for ObamaCare has reached record depths.

But nothing that has recently come to light could be more disturbing than the knowledge that President Obama, with a single Executive Order, granted himself the power “to commandeer all U.S. domestic resources, including food and water, as well as seize all energy and transportation infrastructure inside the borders of the United States.”

And that, based on an ill-defined condition of national emergency, the Government can now draft U.S. citizens into the military and force U.S. citizens to fulfill “labor requirements” for the purposes of “national defense.”

++This is tyranny!

Our forefathers fought and died to overcome this very type of oppression from condescending, arrogant members of the English Parliament and their King.

Our Constitution was designed to prevent the abuse of power by any one person or branch of government.  It defines and limits the powers of the federal government and binds its officers with the restraints of checks and balances.

No wonder those opposed to our values have launched such an aggressive assault on the Constitution – it’s the only thing holding them back from establishing the Socialist States of America!

These tyrannical actions must be stopped NOW

Impeach Obama Now

April 11, 2012

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President
Media Research Center

April 10, 2012

Dear Bob,

He taught Constitutional Law?!!

Based on the President’s blatant, fundamental (and probably willful) misinterpretation of the Constitution, let’s hope his former students decided not to pursue a law career.

Fortunately for Obama, the lapdog media are eagerly embracing his ignorance.

Click here to sign our petition demanding that the media Tell the Truth about ObamaCare and stop covering up for Obama’s attacks on the Supreme Court.

President Obama’s assault on our Constitution took another ugly turn last week, when the President attacked the Supreme Court for daring to even consider the notion that his signature domestic achievement, ObamaCare, might be unconstitutional.

It seems that the former community organizer and constitutional “professor” didn’t know that the Supreme Court’s historic role has been to rule on the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress.
The President warned the Supreme Court to not overturn nationalized healthcare and falsely claimed that such a ruling would be “unprecedented.”

Some constitutional scholar!

The media were aghast. But NOT because President Obama harangued and bullied the judicial branch of government under demonstrably false pretenses. The liberal media were indignant that conservatives DARED to criticize Obama’s factually false attack on the Supreme Court.

Some even went so far as to say the outcry over Obama’s unprecedented assault on the Supreme Court was RACIST. Yes, you read that right. Apparently, explaining how the Constitution works is racist.
This kind of deplorable and slanderous race mongering is what passes for news analysis these days.

We must continue to hold the liberal media accountable for distorting the truth about ObamaCare, while SAYING NOTHING as the President bullies the independent judiciary.

Thank you for helping us keep up the pressure on the liberal media to report the truth, and please share this email with all your patriotic friends and family who are concerned about the media’s complicity in Obama’s assault on our Constitution.


David Martin

Passover revealed…

April 6, 2012

» Blog Homepage» Passover Guide for the Perplexed

Passover Guide for the Perplexed

Posted on April 5, 2012 by Jerusalem Connection
Posted in Feasts and festivals


1.  David Ben Gurion, the Founding Father of the Jewish State (UN Commission, 1947): “300 years ago, the Mayflower launched its historical voyage.  Do many remember the exact data of the voyage, how many passengers were on the Mayflower and what kind of bread did they consume?  However, 3,300 years earlier, the Exodus from Egypt took place.  Every Jew knows the date of the Exodus – the 15th of the Jewish month of Nissan – and the kind of bread – Matza, unleavened bread – consumed.  Until today, Jews all over the world tell the story of the Exodus and eat Matza on the 15th of Nissan.  They conclude the story of the Exodus (Hagaddah) with the statement: “This year we are slaves, but next year we shall be liberated; this year we are here, but next year we shall be in the rebuilt Jerusalem.”

2.  Passover recounts Jewish history, re-entrenching Jewish memory, unity, collective-responsibility, roots, rights and sovereignty in the land of Israel. President Ezer Weizman in the German Bundestag, January 16, 1996: “Only 150 generations have passed from the Pillar of Fire of the Exodus from Egypt to the pillars of smoke from the Holocaust. And I, a descendant of Abraham, born in Abraham’s country, have witnessed them all. I was a slave in Egypt. I received the Torah at Mount Sinai. Together with Joshua and Elijah, I crossed the Jordan River. I entered Jerusalem with David, was exiled from it with Zedekiah, and did not forget it by the rivers of Babylon. When the Lord returned the captives of Zion, I dreamed among the builders of its ramparts. I fought the Romans and was banished from Spain. I was bound to the stake in Mainz. I studied Torah in Yemen and lost my family in Kishinev. I was incinerated in Treblinka, rebelled in Warsaw and migrated to the Land of Israel, the country whence I had been exiled and where I had been born, from which I come and to which I return… And, like our forefather King David who purchased the Temple Mount, and our patriarch Abraham who bought the [Hebron] Cave of Makhpela, we bought land, we sowed fields, we planted vineyards, we built houses, and even before we achieved statehood, we were already bearing weapons to protect our lives…”

3. “Next Year in the rebuilt Jerusalem” concludes the annual reciting of the Passover Saga.  It reaffirms the ancient Jewish commitment to build homes all over Jerusalem – the 3,300 year old indivisible capital of the Jewish People.

4.  Passover’s centrality in Judaism is highlighted by the first Commandment: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” The Passover ethos is included in daily Jewish prayers, Sabbath and holiday prayers, the blessing over the wine, the blessing upon circumcision, the prayer fixed in the Mezuzah (doorpost) and in the annual family reciting of the Exodus on the eve of Passover.  Passover paved the road to the People of Israel, the Torah of Israel and the Land of Israel. In Hebrew, Israel is the acronym of the names of the Jewish Patriarchs and Matriarchs.

5.  Passover’s centrality in the American ethos, inspiring the Puritans, the Pilgrims the Founding Fathers and contemporary American morality and state of mind.  The Pilgrims considered Britain “modern day Egypt,” the British king was “the modern day Pharaoh,” the sail through the Atlantic Ocean was “the modern day parting of the Sea” and America was “the modern day Promised Land.”  The term Federalism is based on “Foedus,” the Latin word for “The Covenant.” The Founding Fathers were inspired by the political structure of the semi-independent 12 Tribes (colonies), which were governed by tribal presidents (governors) and by Moses (the Executive), Aaron (the Judicial) and the 70 Elders (Legislature), a role model for US democracy. Adams, Jefferson and Franklin proposed the “Parting of the Sea” as the official US seal. The role model of Washington and Adams were Moses and Joshua.  Yale University President, Ezra Stiles stated (May 8, 1783): “Moses, the man of God, assembled three million people – the number of people in America in 1776.”  “Let my people go” became the “pillar of fire” for the Abolitionists and human rights movements in the US. “Proclaim liberty throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10) is inscribed on the Liberty Bell. The statues of Moses stare at the Speaker of the House of Representatives and tower above the Supreme Court Justices; a Ten Commandment monument sits on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol and a similar monument will shortly be erected on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol.

6.  Moses, the hero of Passover, has been a role model of faith, principle, humility and endurance-driven leadership for American leaders.  Moses’ name is mentioned only once in the Passover Hagaddah, as a servant of God, a testimony to Moses’ humility.

7.  The Exodus is mentioned 50 times in the Torah, equal to the 50 years of Jubilee, a pivot of liberty. 50 days following the Exodus, Moses received the Torah (Pentecost Holiday), which includes – according to Jewish tradition – 50 gates of Wisdom.  Where does that leave the 50 States?!

8.  Passover highlights the centrality of spiritual, social and national Liberty. The difference between the spelling of Ge’oolah (“deliverance” in Hebrew – גאולה) and Golah (Diaspora in Hebrew – גולה) is the first Hebrew letter, Alef – א.  Alef is the first letter in the Hebrew spelling of God, faith, father, mother, truth, covenant, soil, credibility, awesome, power, Abraham, light, love, Adam, courage, spring, unity, responsibility, horizon, tree, etc.

9.  Passover – the role model of liberty – interacts with Shavou’ot/Pentecost – the role model of morality – since Liberty and Morality are mutually-inclusive.  The Liberty/Morality interdependence distinguishes Western democracies from rogue regimes.

10.  Passover highlights the fact that the Jewish People were passed-over by history’s angel of death, in defiance of conventional wisdom.  Non-normative disasters have characterized Jewish history ever since slavery in Egypt and the Exodus: the destruction of the Temples, exiles, pogroms, expulsions, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, Arab/Muslim terrorism and wars, etc. The 1948 re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty constituted a modern day Exodus and Parting of the Sea. Adherence to the principle-driven and tenacious defiance-of-odds legacy of Passover constitutes a prerequisite to Jewish deliverance.

11.  The Exodus took place around 1,300 BC, establishing the Jewish People in the forefront in the Clash of Civilizations between democracies and rogue regimes.  Passover is celebrated on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan ניסן – the first month of the Biblical Jewish year and the introduction of natural and national spring (Nitzan is the Babylonian word for spring and the Hebrew word for bud).  Nissan (Ness – נס is miracle in Hebrew) is the month of miracles, such as the Exodus, the Parting of the Sea, Jacob wrestling the Angel, Deborah’s victory over Sisera, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, etc.

12.  The 15th day of any Jewish month features a full moon, which stands for optimism in defiance of darkness.  It is consistent with the 15 parts of the Hagaddah (the Telling of Passover), 15 generations between Abraham’s message of monotheism and Solomon’s construction of the first Temple, the 15 words of the ancient blessing by the Priests and the 15th day of the Jewish month of Shvat, Arbor Day – the “Exodus” of vegetation.  The Hebrew value of 15 corresponds to two Hebrew letters which stand for God – י  and ה.

13.  Passover has four names:  The holiday of Pesach (Passed-over; sacrifice), the holiday of liberty, the holiday of Matza and the holiday of spring.  The number 4 features in the Passover Saga, representing the four women who shaped the life of Moses (his mother, Yocheved, his sister, Miriam, his savior, Batyah and his wife, Ziporah); Joseph’s four enslavements- twice to the Midianties, once to the Ishmaelites and once in Egypt; the 4 times that the word cup was mentioned by Pharaoh’s jailed wine-butler when recounting his dream to Joseph; the 4 Sons (human characters); the 4 glasses of wine drunk on the eve of Passover; the 4 Questions asked on the eve of Passover and the 4 stages of the divine deliverance from Egyptian bondage. The 4th Hebrew letter (ד) stands for God.

14.  Passover is celebrated in the spring (Aviv in Hebrew – אביב – which consists of two Hebrew words: Father – אב – of 12 – יב – months/tribes), the bud of nature.  The word spring is mentioned 3 times in the Torah, all in reference to the Exodus.  Passover – which commemorates the creation of the Jewish nation – lasts for 7 days, just like the creation of the universe.  Passover is the first of three Jewish pilgrimages, succeeded by Shavou’ot/Pentecost, which commemorates the receipt of the Ten Commandments, and Sukkot/Tabernacles, named after Sukkota – the first stop in the Exodus.

“Next Year in the rebuilt Jerusalem”

Demand Obama’s impeachment NOW!

April 4, 2012


Product Description

The Founding Fathers enshrined the impeachment clause into the United States Constitution because they feared that a president intent on subverting the very principles the American experiment was built on would someday rise to power.

Despite all the checks and balances and obstacles they put in place, the Founders knew a determined cabal could still gain control of all three branches of government and wield this consolidation of power to dismantle our cherished Constitutional principles, and eradicate the freedoms that generations of Americans sacrificed their lives to preserve.


“The Case For Impeachment” is an insightful summary of how President Barack Hussein Obama’s purposeful actions have jeopardized America’s ability to defend herself, and undermined our free enterprise system, corrupted our democratic institutions, and transferred massive amounts of power and wealth from American citizens to extremist special interest groups whose loyalty lies not with our Constitution, but with a global socialist movement. This is the beginning of the end for the United States unless the people exercise their precious remaining liberties and stand and demand that their elected representatives impeach this president before further mortal damage is inflicted upon America.

If the silent majority can summon the indignation, willpower and energy to make their voices heard, there is still a chance our country may survive.

Order a copy of this special report for yourself and one for your representative in Congress! It’s time to prepare for the inevitable impeachment process next year.

Product Details

  • ISBN: 978-193507122-8
  • Page Count: 52NOTE: Purchasing “The Case for Impeachment: Why Barack Hussein Obama Should be Impeached to Save America” from WND’s online store also qualifies you to receive a FREE 3-month trial subscription to our immensely popular monthly print magazine, Whistleblower. Watch for the FREE offer during checkout.

Product Reviews

Score: 3.7
Submit Your Review

Name: John
Review Date: 11/25/2010 10:40 am
Customer Rating: 5

Obama Impeachment
Obama’s policies are ruining this country. However as bad as his polcies have been for America, he has not committed any high crime or misdemeanor worthy of impeachment. That being said, Obama may not even be eligible to remain as President. If it is determined that he is not a naturally born U.S. ciitzen, then his election violates the Constiution which requires candidates for President to be natural born citizens.

It’s ironic that in order to get driver’s licenses, social security card, and other things you must produce your birth certificate. Yet, Obama never had to produce his birth certificate. That should be required of every person who declares his candidacy and I am amazed that is isn’t.

Name: Sharun Free
Review Date: 11/16/2010 8:14 am
Customer Rating: 1

How do your impeach someone who was never eligible in the first place? Besides, even the so-called-conservative pundits won’t talk about his ineligibility. How are you going to get the congress and senate to do it?

It seems a simple thing to get a capitol police officer over there to arrest an impostor. What’s the problem?

Name: Jesse Oris
Review Date: 11/14/2010 2:52 pm
Customer Rating: 5

Leave it to WND to be on top of this important subject! Joseph Farah was a key player in getting Bill Clinton impeached. Once again he’s leading the way.

Obama’s Inelligibility

April 2, 2012

Hollywood producer heard Bill Clinton say Obama ineligible

Insider in Hillary’s 2008 campaign points to ‘original birthers’

Published: 13 hours ago

author-image by Jerome R. CorsiEmail | Archive

Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers “The Obama Nation” and “Unfit for Command.” Corsi’s latest book is “Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate?”More ↓
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A successful Hollywood producer who had an insider’s view of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign claims she heard Bill Clinton say that Barack Obama is not eligible to be president.Bettina Viviano – who started her own film production company in 1990 after serving as vice president of production for Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment – told WND that it was common knowledge among delegates committed to Hillary that the Clintons believed Obama was constitutionally ineligible and that Bill Clinton would eventually disclose his belief to the public.

The Clintons were the original “birthers,” Viviano told WND in an interview in Los Angeles.

“Everybody who has called this a conspiracy from the Republicans or the tea party, they need to know who started it – the Democrats,” she said.

“It was Hillary and Bill, and it percolated up from there,” said Viviano, who had access to the campaign through a documentary she produced on the claims of delegates that Obama and the Democratic National Committee were stealing the nomination from Hillary.

As WND reported, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his team investigating Obama’s eligibility believe there is probable cause that the documents released by the White House as Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form are forgeries.

Help Sheriff Joe blow the lid off Obama’s fraud. Join the Cold Case Posse right now!

Viviano said that she was on a conference phone call during the primary season in the spring of 2008 in which she heard Bill Clinton refer to Obama as ineligible for the presidency.

In the course of the phone conversation with Hillary delegates, she recalled, Bill Clinton spoke of Obama as “the non-citizen.”

“In the world we were in, with [Hillary’s] super-delegates and delegates, it just was, ‘He’s not legit – that’s the end of it, period, end of story.’ It wasn’t up for discussion,” Viviano said.

Michele Thomas, a Hillary campaigner from Los Angeles, confirmed to WND that she learned from “many people who were close to Hillary” that Obama “was not eligible to be president.”

Thomas led a nationwide petition drive among delegates to force a vote on Hillary’s nomination at the convention after then-DNC Chairman Howard Dean announced her name would not be put into nomination and Obama would be declared the winner by unanimous acclamation.

Viviano said that it was understood that Bill Clinton would eventually go public with his contention that Obama was ineligible for the presidency.

“He, I believe, was frothing at the mouth to tell the truth about Obama,” she said.

In the meantime, she recalled, the former president would make ironic references in public in which he “teetered” on revealing he position.

“He would go on camera,” Viviano said, “and jokingly make comments about, you know, ‘Is Obama qualified to be president? Well, if he’s 35 and a wink, wink, United States citizen, I guess he’s qualified.’”

She claimed, however, that Bill Clinton’s intention to unequivocally state to the public that Obama was ineligible was stopped in its tracks by the murder of a close friend of the Clintons, Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney, just two weeks before the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

Gwatney was killed Aug. 13, 2008, when a 50-year-old man entered Democratic Party headquarters in Little Rock and shot him three times. Police killed the murderer after a chase, and investigators found no motive.

The Clintons said in a statement that they were “stunned and shaken” by the killing of their “cherished friend and confidante.”

Viviano said a campaign staffer who was close to Hillary, whose name she requested be withheld for security reasons, told her Gwatney’s murder was a message to Bill Clinton.

“I was told by this person that that was ‘Shut up, Bill, or you’re next,’” she said.

The campaign adviser, according to Viviano, said that despite the intimidation and threats, Bill Clinton was prepared to speak out about Obama’s eligibility

“And then,” Viviano said, paraphrasing the staffer, “they went in and said, ‘OK, it’s your daughter, now, we’ll go after.’

“And then Bill never said anything.”

Others in the campaign who believe Gwatney’s murder was a message to the Clintons think it had to do with the fact that Gwatney was resisting an effort by the Obama campaign and the party to intimidate Hillary delegates into voting for Obama.

But Viviano argues that California delegates also were rebelling, and she says her source told her the same story two years later.

Since the 2008 campaign, Clinton has insisted publicly that Obama is eligible for the White House.

He weighed in on the issue in an April 2011 interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” when Donald Trump was urging Obama to release his long-form birth certificate to the public.

“If I were them, I’d be really careful riding that birther horse too much,” Clinton said. “Everyone knows it’s ludicrous.”

‘I had never voted in my life’

When Viviano headed production for Spielberg, her credits included the second and third “Back to the Future” films, “Cape Fear,” “Land Before Time,” “Schindler’s List,” “Always,” “Roger Rabbit” and the third “Indiana Jones” film.

She launched her own production and management company, Viviano Entertainment, in 1990. Her movies include “Three to Tango” and “Jack and Jill,” starring Adam Sandler.

Viviano was plunged into the world of campaign politics in 2008 as an admitted neophyte when Hollywood screenwriter and director Gigi Gaston asked her to produce a documentary called “We Will Not Be Silenced” on allegations of voter fraud against Hillary Clinton by the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

“I had never voted in my life. I wasn’t a Democrat, I wasn’t a Republican. I wasn’t anything,” Viviano said. “I didn’t know anything about any of this.”

Viviano said that when she and her co-workers informed Hillary campaigners that they were making a film about voter fraud, “the floodgates opened.”

“I mean, everybody had a story to tell about death threats, threats, intimidation, document falsifying, vandalism, property theft,” she said. “It was the most horrible thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

Viviano said that in research for the film, allegations and evidence that Obama was not eligible “came up immediately.”

“We were getting hit with so many things about Obama,” she said. “This is when (Bill) Ayers and (Rashid) Khalidi were in the news, and then, all of a sudden, ‘Oh, and he’s not eligible to be president.’”

Viviano insisted to WND that her reason for speaking out now was not related to the fact that Obama beat Hillary.

“It’s not about Hillary,” she said. “It’s about No. 1, I’m American, I live in a country where there is a Constitution and a set of laws. I also have somebody in the White House who has lied, obfuscated, provided what we all know to be forged documents about who he is.”

She acknowledges that she could jeopardize her Hollywood career.

“What can you do?” she said. “It’s my country. My dad fought for this country in World War II in the 82nd Airborne.”

Her late father, she noted, was shot down twice during the war and was awarded two Purple Hearts.

“I think, would he rather have me sitting in the corner cowering, and afraid of people, or would he rather have me tell the truth and what I saw?”

Read the preliminary findings of Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation after six months investigating Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve as president in “A Question of Eligibility,” co-authored by Jerome Corsi and Mike Zullo.

Follow all the future developments in this story – sign up for WND’s email news alerts right now!

Previous stories:

High court justice: Obama birth certificate fishy

Russian media expose Obama birth ‘forgery’

Media blackout on Obama eligibility near-total

Mailman discouraged from telling Obama story

U.S. military purging ‘birthers’?

Immigration records missing for week of Obama’s birth

Sheriff Joe: ‘Tons’ more shocking info on Obama

O’Reilly: My probe better than Sheriff Joe’s

Donald Trump: Say it is so, Sheriff Joe

Sheriff Joe to Eric Holder: ‘Prove it!’

Arpaio: ‘Probable cause’ Obama certificate a fraud

What does law say about Obama’s eligibility?

Alinsky-style leftist ramps up effort to oust Sheriff Joe

100,000 line up to back Sheriff Joe

Obama backer arrested for death threats against Sheriff Joe

Justice Department blinks in battle against Sheriff Joe

Anti-Arpaio protesters ousted from meeting

Another protest against Sheriff Joe fails

Obama’s harassment of Sheriff Joe

‘Resign now’ protest against Sheriff Joe fizzles

Sheriff Joe targeted for ouster

Sheriff Joe ‘suspicious’ of motive behind Obama attacks

Sheriff Joe to Obama: I’ll keep doing my job

Arpaio gets death threats over Obama investigation

Sheriff Joe on Obama eligibility probe: ‘Where there’s smoke … ‘