Archive for the ‘Big government’ category

OBAMA..a gangster in the White House

April 12, 2011

Barack Obama: Gangster in the White House
“A bestseller!”—Sean Hannity
“Gangster Government is all the rage!”—Neil Cavuto
Bribery….coercion….intimidation. Sounds like a movie review of The Godfather, but unfortunately we’re talking about our federal government.

So says bestselling author David Freddoso in his controversial new book, Gangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy.

In his 2008 New York Times bestseller, The Case Against Barack Obama, Freddoso examined Obama’s pre-presidency actions and ideologies, revealing an extremely liberal Senator with shady alliances who would stop at nothing to become president of the United States.

Picking up where The Case Against Barack Obama left off, Gangster Government not only reveals the damage Obama has done since he has been in office, but exposes a side of Obama few have seen before—the corrupt Chicago politician whose number one goal behind any bill, stimulus, or regulation is to reward his friends and punish his enemies.

As Freddoso reveals, whether those “enemies” are oil companies, small businesses, or ordinary taxpayers like us, Obama will do—and has done—whatever it takes to sideline those who oppose him.

“Americans are used to politicians who help their friends when they can,” says Freddoso. “But no one expected President Obama to reshape the presidency to the extent he has. So far, he has overturned hundreds of years of lawmaking in America, betrayed our Constitution, and mocked millions of voters.”

A devastating and shocking look at a president whose training on Chicago’s political playground shines though every bent law and every broken promise, Gangster Government documents the first two years of an administration that is so corrupt, it would make Al Capone blush.

Obama and DOJ against States rights.

September 16, 2010

     It simply wasn’t enough to sue the State of Arizona and drag it before the United Nations for trying to secure its border and protect its citizens against violent illegal alien cartels…

     … Now, Barack Obama has unleashed his fury on Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

     Reports have surfaced that the Obama Department of Justice (the same Obama Department of Justice that dropped a slam-dunk voter-intimidation suit against the New Black Panthers) is suing Sheriff Arpaio and sending an unmistakable message to law enforcement officers across America… Enforce our immigration laws and face the full wrath of the United States Government.

     Make no mistake. The Obama administration is using every resource at its disposal to destroy Arpaio and advance its Amnesty agenda. But don’t take our word for it. Sheriff Arpaio stated without equivocation: “These actions make it abundantly clear that Arizona, including this Sheriff, is Washington’s new whipping boy. Now it’s time to take the gloves off.”

     We could not agree more, And yet, the silence from Congress is still inexcusably deafening.

     And the time is here and now for our so-called elected leaders in Congress to take a stand. Either they support Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Sheriff Arpaio, the people of Arizona and the overwhelming majority of Americans who support Arizona’s efforts to secure its borders… or, they support Barack Obama’s smear tactics against the leaders in Arizona and his open borders agenda.

     As Sheriff Arpaio said, “It’s time to take the gloves off.”
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leaders of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. That’s over 530 faxes.

Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that Barack Obama has gone too far. He’s refused to enforce our immigration laws. He’s suing the State of Arizona for attempting to enforce immigration laws. He’s placed Arizona in the crosshairs of the United Nations. And now, he’s suing Sheriff Arpaio for attempting to enforce the law.

Tell our elected leaders that enough is enough. It is time to take the gloves off, stand up to Barack Obama and tell him to secure the border now.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

What Others Are Saying About This Targeting Of Sheriff Arpaio.

     Sheriff Arpaio is no stranger to controversy. He already bears the nickname, “America’s toughest sheriff” for his no-nonsense approach to law enforcement. And according to a number of reports, Mexican cartels have placed a million dollar bounty on Arpaio’s head.

     Apparently, this notoriety has not only made him a target for the cartels, but also has placed him in Obama’s crosshairs.

     As a matter of fact, Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce called Obama’s pursuit of Arpaio a “witch hunt.”

“It’s a witch hunt — that’s exactly what this is. This is the most un-American President in the history of the United States. … For the first time in history a sitting President has sided with a foreign government against a U.S. state. It is outrageous.”

     Bob Driscoll, a former Justice Department Civil Rights Division official who is representing Arpaio said: “It’s a totally political lawsuit. … They want to find evidence of discrimination, but all they’re finding is evidence of law enforcement that includes immigration enforcement.”

     Driscoll added: “Today’s lawsuit by the Department of Justice is part of a deliberate media strategy to ‘get tough’ on Sheriff Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, and undermine immigration enforcement by a local sheriff who is trying desperately to make up for this administration’s own indifference to the topic.”

     The wrote: “The Obama administration has taken border non-enforcement to a whole new level. By refusing to offer reasonable assistance to law enforcement and by suing those who simply try to protect the border, the administration is, in effect, placing… cartels, human traffickers, and infiltrating Islamic terrorists above the safety of American citizens. Truly incredible.”
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leaders of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. That’s over 530 faxes.

Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that Barack Obama has gone too far. He’s refused to enforce our immigration laws. He’s suing the State of Arizona for attempting to enforce immigration laws. He’s placed Arizona in the crosshairs of the United Nations. And now, he’s suing Sheriff Arpaio for attempting to enforce the law.

Tell our elected leaders that enough is enough. It is time to take the gloves off, stand up to Barack Obama and tell him to secure the border now.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Why Pursue Sheriff Arpaio?

     That’s a good question and perhaps the behavior of the Obama Justice Department might provide answers.

     Here are the details. Obama’s Department of Justice initiated an investigation against Sheriff Arpaio some months back for allegedly engaging in “civil rights” violations.

     But hold your horses… after months of investigation, the Obama Justice Department ISN’T suing Arpaio’s office over civil rights violations… instead the Obama Justice Department is contending that Arpaio’s office is refusing to cooperate with its investigation.

     According to The Washington Examiner, the Obama Department of Justice filed suit against Sheriff Arpaio’s office for “refusing to fully cooperate in a federal investigation into allegations that the sheriff and his deputies are guilty of racial discrimination.”

     Arpaio says that accusation is bunk and told The Examiner: “These people in Washington met with my attorneys only a few days ago. And in that meeting, Washington got our cooperation; they admitted they already have thousands of pages of the requested documents; and they were given access to interview my staff and get into my jails.”

     Arpaio added: “They smiled in our faces and then stabbed us in the back with this lawsuit. The Obama administration intended to sue us all along, no matter what we did to try to avert it.”

     Of course, such bait-and-switch tactics have a familiar ring. Didn’t the Obama administration, after all, initially contend that (SB 1070), the Arizona immigration enforcement law, would lead to racial profiling and then sued Arizona on other grounds altogether when it was apparent that the accusation of racial profiling had no merit?

     The Examiner comes to the following conclusion: “As the DOJ lawyers claim Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s lack of cooperation with the feds is ‘unprecedented,’ it should not be lost on anyone that what is actually unprecedented is that a sitting U.S. president is waging a war against Arizona.”

     That just about says it all. As a matter of fact, many are wondering why the Obama Justice Department is investigating Arpaio at all.

     According to Investor’s Business Daily: “Our misnamed Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against an Arizona sheriff at the top of the administration’s enemies list. Prosecute border sheriffs and sue states but protect the Black Panthers? Gotcha. … What makes the case interesting, as the Washington Examiner’s Byron York reports, is that in September 2008… Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted its own investigation of Arpaio’s office and procedures and found nothing inappropriate or illegal.”

     You read that right. Obama’s Justice Department decided to investigate Arpaio’s office AFTER ICE concluded that Arpaio’s office was operating totally above board.

     What exactly is going on here? Is this pursuit of Arpaio simply a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing?


     Sheriff Arpaio, according to Robert M. Engstrom with Human Events, is accusing “the Obama Administration of taking sides against Arizona and trying to use him and Gov. Jan Brewer ‘as puppets.'” Engstrom, quoting Arpaio, added: “’They don’t like us enforcing immigration law,’ he said. ‘I am not going to surrender.’”

     If Arpaio is not surrendering… if he’s ready for the fight, we should be ready for the fight too.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leaders of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. That’s over 530 faxes.

Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that Barack Obama has gone too far. He’s refused to enforce our immigration laws. He’s suing the State of Arizona for attempting to enforce immigration laws. He’s placed Arizona in the crosshairs of the United Nations. And now, he’s suing Sheriff Arpaio for attempting to enforce the law.

Tell our elected leaders that enough is enough. It is time to take the gloves off, stand up to Barack Obama and tell him to secure the border now.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Nero May Have Played His Fiddle While Rome Burned But Obama Is Throwing Gasoline On The Fire.

     An overwhelming majority of Americans for years have pleaded with the federal government to secure the border and stop the flood of illegal aliens pouring into the United States.

     But Barack Obama, believing that he knows best, has not only refused to take serious and substantive steps to enforce our immigration laws… he has sued Arizona for attempting to enact reasonable immigration laws… he has hauled Arizona before the United Nations… and now… he’s using every resource at his disposal to go after a local sheriff who is simply attempting to enforce the law.

     Obama’s motives are clear. He wants to shove amnesty for illegal aliens down the throats of the American people at all costs… by any means necessary.

     But unfortunately, as a result of his actions, right before our very eyes, cities in Arizona and across the United States are literally starting to resemble war zones.

     Arizona Governor Jan Brewer acknowledged this horrendous and unfortunate fact when she signed SB 1070 into law, “We cannot sacrifice our safety to the murderous greed of… cartels. We cannot stand idly by as drop houses, kidnappings and violence compromise our quality of life. We cannot delay while the destruction happening south of our international border creeps its way north.”

     Senator Jim DeMint recently echoed those sentiments: “States along the border are facing kidnappings… human trafficking and gang violence and they have a duty to keep their residents safe.”

     Even the former champion of amnesty, Senator John McCain, is acknowledging that “Arizona is under siege…” Phoenix, Arizona is now one of the kidnapping capitals of the world, second only to Mexico City. In fact, the situation is so bad that the government has recently placed travel advisories and in some cases closed large tracts of land as far as 80 miles north or our southern border.

     That’s why Arizona passed SB 1070 and that’s why as many as 22 other states are presently considering similar legislation.

     Gang violence… human trafficking… rampant lawlessness that will extend across the United States from sea-to-shining-sea. Those unfortunate side effects go hand-in-hand with Barack Obama’s Amnesty-for-all vision for America.

     That’s why Obama has placed himself, yet again, in direct opposition to the people. It wasn’t enough to refuse to enforce the law… it wasn’t enough to sue Arizona for attempting to enforce the law… it wasn’t enough to invite the United Nations to his open-borders, pro-Amnesty party.

     Now, Obama is sending an unmistakable message to every law enforcement officer in the country… Enforce the law and we will pursue you.

     The time to fight back is now.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leaders of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. That’s over 530 faxes.

Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that Barack Obama has gone too far. He’s refused to enforce our immigration laws. He’s suing the State of Arizona for attempting to enforce immigration laws. He’s placed Arizona in the crosshairs of the United Nations. And now, he’s suing Sheriff Arpaio for attempting to enforce the law.

Tell our elected leaders that enough is enough. It is time to take the gloves off, stand up to Barack Obama and tell him to secure the border now.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Jeff Mazzella
Center for Individual Freedom
Center for Individual Freedom
917-B King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization with
the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.

Vote of No Confidence…

September 6, 2010

From: Bob,

Dear Friend,

There is a widespread growing distrust among Americans of President
Obama and his ideological basis for “change.” His imperialistic style
of leadership has put him out of touch with grassroots Americans. I am
among those disenfranchised citizens.

I have just signed Liberty Counsel’s “Vote of No Confidence” Statement,
which is a practical way for concerned Americans to express their
increasing disillusionment with the failed leadership of the Obama
presidency. This Statement is a powerful call to stop his agenda of
progressive socialism and its destruction of the very foundations
undergirding the United States of America.

Please consider joining me in expressing your “Vote of No Confidence”
concerning our socialist, agenda-driven President.

Here is the link to the “Vote of No Confidence” Statement:

Thanks for joining me,


Federal attacks State Government

September 5, 2010

Obama Attacks AZ – With UN Amnesty Plan

UN Human Rights Council To Decide On The Measures It Would Take In Case of “Persistent Non-cooperation” by AZ…

ALERT: Obama just attacked Arizona and America using the UN and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.  Ignoring the court ruling that AZ Immigration Enforcement Law does not violate human rights but must be enforced by the Feds, Hillary issued a 29-page “Universal Periodic Review” (UPR) to the UN Human Rights Council, which indicted AZ and America, and seeks to force mass illegal alien amnesty on the United States.

Obama’s submission of the UPR is part of the plan to by-pass Congress for amnesty, and a UN review of the AZ law to culminate with the issuance of a plan of action to STOP AZ in 90 days from now by a panel of UN bureaucrats.
This is unquestionably UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNACCEPTABLE. The United States can never be bound by the directives of an international body without the consent to treaty by the U.S. Senate!!!   We have set up fax blasts to Bury Hillary, the UN Secretary General, the UN Human Rights Commission, the US State Department and send faxes to the home state offices of every House and Senate member — DEMANDING that they remove AZ from this disgraceful UPR.
FAX NOW – Bury Hillary, The State Department – The UN and Tell The Congress No Amnesty – Secure the Border NOW! Send Your Faxes!

SELECT HERE – Stop The UN – Stop Amnesty – Defend Arizona
Just when we thought the federal government’s lawsuit against Arizona was beyond the pale, now Obama goes to the United Nations to escalate the fight to an international level!

That’s right! In Obama’s shameful, precedent-setting first report to the U.N. Human Rights Council on the condition of human rights in the United States, Obama had the audacity to bash the state of Arizona, and the disloyalty to America to relegate it to third-world status, to denigrate and diminish our nation and please his global elitist pals!

This is yet another outrage against the spirit of liberty and sovereignty in America, and we cannot – WE MUST NOT STAND FOR IT!!!

That’s why your help is critical!  MCDC Project is fighting to defend Arizona. It’s absolutely vital that American patriots come to the defense of Arizona and stand AGAINST AMNESTY!

If Obama is given a free pass on his “back-door amnesty” and defeats Arizona in future court action, the face of our country will be forever changed. They will have, in effect, brought into play millions of “instant illegal voters” with loyalty only to the Obama Democrats, and these “voters” in turn will, over time, deliver tens of millions of loyalty votes – votes that will keep the Amnesty supporters and their ilk in power for decades to come!


Secure The Border – Fax Congress – Tell Obama NO AMNESTY – Protect American Lives – Defend Arizona – Get Your Sticker NOW!
It’s obvious now more than ever that Obama has every intention of destroying our security and sovereignty by issuing mass amnesty through Executive Orders and Actions, and through his refusal to enforce current federal law.

In his report to the United Nations, Obama droned on about flaws in the U.S. Constitution, the evil of slavery, and a cornucopia of American defects and failures before demagoguing about how he is the savior of our nation, freeing us from the chains of human wickedness in America…

Later in the “Values and Immigration” section of his report came this admission: that Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security is maneuvering to provide better medical care for illegal immigrant detainees and is working to find “alternatives to detention”! Outrageous!!!

In translation that means that the Obama administration is offering free medical care promised to illegal aliens under ObamaCare even while they’re in prison awaiting deportation! Then there’s the promise to “explore alternatives to detention,” which we all know is code for “catch and release” – or as we hear from the ICE rank and file officers, “don’t even catch them at all”!

And then finally, Obama delivers the low-blow to Arizona, the only state to stand up to the federal government and dare to fight in federal court for their right to enforce the law…  the federal law Obama deliberately and maliciously is undermining from all sides!

Obama writes: “A recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070, has generated significant attention and debate at home and around the world. The issue is being addressed in a court action that argues that the federal government has the authority to set and enforce immigration law. That action is ongoing; parts of the law are currently enjoined.”

By referencing the ongoing lawsuit with Arizona in a UN Human Rights report, Obama has escalated the Arizona law debate to an international issue by bringing it under the review of the United Nations!

FAX NOW – Bury Hillary, The State Department – The UN and Tell The Congress No Amnesty – Secure the Border NOW! Send Your Faxes!

SELECT HERE – Stop The UN – Stop Amnesty – Defend Arizona
As a result of Obama’s outrageous report to the UN, the Arizona law will come under formal review and examination on November 5th by the three member countries that control the UN Human Rights Commission: France, Japan, and Cameroon (a radical Islamic nation).

The UN Commission will then issue directives on what they recommend the United States do in response to the Arizona law!


Under the leadership of Gov. Jan Brewer, Arizona is pushing back against the Obama administration. After Clinton appointee Judge Susan Bolton struck down key provisions of the Arizona law, Gov. Brewer immediately appealed the decision to the 9th Circuit Court.

But, as Gov. Brewer pointed out, it’s obvious to anyone paying attention that the 9th Circuit is a rubber stamp for Obama’s socialist, internationalist agenda. So this case is going to the Supreme Court…where it should be!

This legal battle will cost Arizona millions! What’s more, at least 22 other states are already poised to pass.
Arizona needs your help – do not leave them to defend the border alone!

Gov. Brewer has stated, “We need action from the federal government not signs ceding sovereign U.S. territory to international drug cartels and human smugglers.”   Brewer sent a letter to Obama outlining her Four-Point Border Action Surge Strategy.  This strategy contains most actions advised in the 2005 Norwood Minuteman Report, and the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project has been calling for these vital actions to be implemented for 5 years – and whole-heartedly supports them TODAY. As Gov. Brewer enumerated in her Four-Point Strategy to Obama:

     1. National Guard Personnel and Aviation

     2. Border Fence

     3. Enforce Federal Law and Appropriately Fund the Effort
     4. Reimburse States for the Additional Burden of Illegal Immigration

We Say, “Defend Arizona” – Obama And Feds Do Nothing but Sue AZ!
The tragedy is that the escalating violence in our southern sector could have been prevented years ago, and countless innocent American lives saved, if the federal government had responded to our warnings and recommendations, and had acted decisively for a secure border patrolled by the National Guard and a border fence!  The level of accelerating violence and social chaos that has the President of the United States now ceding our territory to international bandits is the direct responsibility of the United States Government, and its gross dereliction of its duty under the US Constitution. 

The Obama Administration was and still is grossly negligent in their sworn oaths of office to protect the sovereignty of the United States. The Government did not do its job and was complicit in the act when foreign nationals invade American soil and killed innocent US citizens!  And now the situation only worsens, as Obama plays politics with border security, and his Justice Department STOPS Arizona for acting to save American lives, property and sovereignty!

Why is Washington’s response to try to SUPPRESS Arizona’s proper and Constitutional defense of our people and lands from foreign invasion?  The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps sounded the alarm 5 years ago and this border crisis could have been prevented if the federal government had done its job!
Support Brewer DO NOT LET Obama Put More Americans at Risk.

FAX NOW – Bury Hillary, The State Department – The UN and Tell The Congress No Amnesty – Secure the Border NOW! Send Your Faxes!

SELECT HERE – Stop The UN – Stop Amnesty – Defend Arizona
Enough is enough! The line has to be drawn! Any human rights violations implicated in our border crisis are those of the vicious international drug and human trafficking cartels terrorizing our borderline and exploiting their victims! The invasion of America has to end! Justice has to be done for all the good, honest, Americans who have been killed, raped, kidnapped, stolen from, and abused by criminal illegal immigrants and alien gangs!  American sovereign territory must be DEFENDED and HELD SECURE!!

It is a dark time in America; it seems as if our voices aren’t being heard.  WE MUST NOT BACK DOWN!  The most powerful things you have as a citizen is your voice and your ballot, even if so far in Washington, they REFUSE to listen. THE HOUR IS LATE, MAKE THEM HEAR US — it is the right thing to do!

TODAY is the day to help us mobilize common sense, patriotic Americans against this travesty!!   The Obama Administration’s plan for Executive Order or US Citizenship and Immigration Service Executive Action mass amnesty MUST BE STOPPED!

Islam…What it is

August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 26th, 2010 | Posted by RJ

Shari’a Law in America – Top 20 Islam Details We Need to Know

The Infadel Blogger Alliance has pieced together 20 Details we Need to Know about Islam.  We have been ignoring a careful examination of the Islam truth for too long. 

All over the world Islam and the Shari’a Law are taking over countries.  According to the Muslim scripture, the Quor’n every Muslim has a duty to protect and to spread Shari’a Law.  The Muslim religion is a religion of peace so long as everybody worships Allah and follows Mohammad. Examine these 20 Points of Islam and then watch what is now going on in Ameirca.

Infidel Blogger Alliance
Sat  Aug 21, 2010
Subject; Top 20 Things We Need to Know About Islam

Saturday, November 04, 2006

20 Things You Should Know About Islam

“Frequent Infidel Bloggers Alliance commenter Religion of Pieces wrote a piece called 20 Things You Need To Know About Islam. The points he makes are important, and I know each of them to be factually true to some extent. However, I did not have links to back up each of his points, so I asked him to provide them.

Ordinarily, our posts here include embedded links. However, it would take a massive amount of work to embed all the links Religion of Pieces provided us with. So, this post will look a bit different, a bit more sloppy than our everyday posts.

Think of the links as a series of footnotes to back up each assertion Religion of Pieces makes.

Additionally, let me say that I have not had time to go through everyone of the many links ROP has provided. So, at the outset, I must tell you that the views and opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of myself, or Infidel Bloggers Alliance in general.

However, I do think this is a very important post, and I am considering serializing it and laying each individual point into our sidebar as permanent links. For now, check out Religion of Pieces very lengthy post:

Islam …

1) Is a mind-control and information-control cult founded by a murderer, torturer, brigand, rapist and pedophile called Mohammed.

The mind-control and information-control aspects require that all criticism be silenced.Mind and information control:
Telegraph article

Mohammed’s criminality:

Mohammed’s pedophilia:

Silencing criticism:,,2092-2058502,00.html

2) Islam is Mohammed’s personality cult. Has no foundations other than Mo’s murderous rantings (Koran and Hadith).

The Koran consists of two conflicting parts – Meccan and Medinan (peaceful and violent respectively). The Medinan stuff supersedes (‘abrogates’) the Meccan stuff. Muslims act Medinan, but quote Meccan verses to the gullible infidels.

Mohammed as a cult leader:

Meccan and Medinan verses:

3) Claims to worship the same God as Christians and Jews, but in fact worships Allah – a demonic channelling through Mohammed’s psychopathic ego. The Death Cult mixes garbled versions of Christian and Jewish scriptures with pagan practices such as moon and meteorite-worship, and cut-throat blood sacrifice of animals and non-believers.

Allah and God:

Origins of the koran:

Allah’s pagan daughters:

Meteorite worship:

Animal sacrifice to Allah:

Human sacrifice to Allah:
Diodan ,

4) Has no rational, philosophical nor theological basis, and the whole belief-system is contradicted by science, philosophy, commonsense, human decency and internal inconsistency.

Flat earth:

Contradictions in the koran:

5) Cannot withstand rational criticism. Can only spread and maintain itself by ignorance, illiteracy, war, terrorism, and intimidation. Islam has bloody borders and cannot co-exist peacefully with other belief systems. Winston Churchill said that Islam in a man is as dangerous as hydrophobia (rabies) in a dog.


Islamic intellectual achievements:

Intimidation against criticism and apostasy:

Bloody borders:

Intrinsically violent:
Islam Review article


6) Has a superstitious dread of images of pigs, crosses, Buddhas, Saint George (and his flag) and of course Motoons.Buddhas, crosses and teddy bears:,11599,1109291,00.html,

Piggy Banks Offend Muslims
CNN Article

Study of Revenge cartoon

Saint George:
Red Cross

7) Regards Islamic women as semihuman. Wife-beating, incest and child abuse (including mufa’khathat or ‘thighing’ – the ritual abuse of infants) are encouraged.

Treatment of women:

Infant abuse and ‘thighing’:
Truth Seeker article
Ken Lydell article
Hindu Unity

Regards all unbelievers (Kaffirs, Kuffar, Kufrs, Kafirs) as ritually unclean subhumans to be killed, subjugated, enslaved, exploited or parasitised. Kafirs are described by the Arabic word ‘najis’ – literally ‘filth’. That’s why Muslim hatred of Kafirs is intrinsic to their ‘religion’. A Kafir doesn’t need to DO anything to offend a Muslim, his very existence is enough of an affront.

Najis kafirs:
Cartoon Nazi article

Treatment of kafirs:

Enslavement of kaffirs:

9) The ethical system applies only to Muslims. Allah encourages rape, pillage, extortion and enslavement of non-Muslims. Morality does not extend beyond the global gang (ummah). Muslim ethics are the ethics of the Mafia.

Loyalty to the Umma first (Ummafia)

Sixth Column article

Massacre, rape, pillage and enslavement:
Hindu Unity Article
Berean article

10) Allah’s followers are motivated by hatred, greed and lust. There is no love, mercy or compassion. Allah is vindictive, unpredictable, capricious and devious – “Allah leads astray whom he pleases”.

Hate cult:

Women as plunder:


Allah – Father of Lies:

11) The only religion NOT founded on The Golden Rule. Morality is based on Mohammed’s example. If Mohammed did it then it’s OK for all Muslims. Hence the encouragement of rape, pillage, subjugation and murder of non-believers and the institutionalised pedophilia prevalent throughout Muslim society (justified by Mohammed’s activities with Ayesha, his child sex-slave – see and listen to

Golden Rule:

Mohammed as the example of ‘the perfect man’:
Chronicles Magazine article,

Institutionalised pedophilia:

Jihadic rape:
Fjordman article

12) All human relations are defined by Dominance/Subjugation. Muslims have schizoid inferiority/superiority complexes. (A well-balanced Muslim is one with a chip on each shoulder). They respect strength but despise compromise as weakness. Appeasement invites more aggression. The only political system which has been strong enough to subjugate Islam is Stalinism.

Honor/shame, dominance and subjugation:
Dr. Sanity article

Inferiority complex:,,1072-2359800,00.html


13) Polygamy ensures alpha-males get extra women, leading to a shortage of women for the betas. Beta-males must either jerk off (a sin leading to hell), or form dog-packs and rape or capture kafir women as booty in a razzia, or else self-destruct in the presence of infidels then they can screw 72 mythical virgins in Allah’s bordello in the sky (see and listen to

Beta-males are often encouraged by their relatives to become suicide bombers because of the belief that such murderous ‘martyrs’ will be able to intercede with Allah to take 70 of their relatives to paradise with them.Polygamy and Jihad:

Muslim rape:


Bomber’s relatives go to paradise: article

14) Lying and deception of infidels (taqiyya) is encouraged. This may take many forms, including outright lies, feigned moderation, and condemnation of terrorist attacks to the Kaffir while rejoicing with fellow Muslims. Muslims often tend to regard themselves as victims of some group of Kafirs so they can harbor grudges against them and against Kafirs in general.

Individuals may appear law-abiding and reasonable, but they are part of a totalitarian movement, and must be considered potential killers who can flip in an instant (SJS -‘Sudden Jihad Syndrome’).


Muslim victimology
Real Clear Politics article

Sudden Jihad Syndrome
Lost Budgie article

15) Muslims are forbidden to befriend Kaffirs except for purposes of deceit or where conversion may be possible.

16) The Koran is Allah’s final word and cannot be changed or challenged. To do so is punishable by death. Consequently, the Death Cult can never change or be reformed. The instructions to murder and rape infidels are just as valid now as the day they were written.

Since Islam cannot be modernised, the Muslims are attempting to Islamise modernity. This requires spreading Islam in the West and simultaneously preventing any criticism of the cult by intimidation and PC legislation to curtail freedom of expression.

Koran as literal word of Allah:,4273,4048586,00.html

Koranic principles of jihad:

Intimidation and censorship:
Telegraph article

17) Treaties and agreements with Kaffirs are made to be broken (Hudna). The word of a Muslim to a Kafir counts for nothing in the eyes of Allah. Allah is The Father Of Lies.


18) The world is divided between Dar-al-Islam and Dar-al-Harb (the domain of war, the Kufr lands). Muslims living in Dar-al-Harb must work to disrupt their host nations until these can be brought into Dar-al-Islam.

Dar al Harb and the Umma:

19) Muslims have no obligation to their host nations and in fact are encouraged to parasitise them. Welfare fraud, identity theft, forgery etc are endemic in Western Muslim populations, and serious crime against Kaffirs is regarded as normal and justified. Extortion rackets against Kafirs are mandated by the Koran (‘jizya’ is the Arabic term for ‘protection money’ payable by Jews and Christians to Muslims).

Subversion and disloyalty:
Muslim Leaders And Subversion
Muslim Reaction to Suicide Bombings

Free Republic/Pedestrian Infidel Post

Jizya extortion
Ken Lydell article

The Muslim liability and welfare dependence:
Amren article

20) The Jihadi attack on the host nation isn’t just against its religion and economy, but is aimed at its very cultural identity. Islam is a complete system, including a culture, which Muslims regard as superior (despite all evidence to the contrary) to other cultures.

Muslims are therefore required to destroy the symbols of ‘Jahiliya’ (sometimes sp. Jahiliyya) – non-Muslim culture. In the East this has included destruction of Hindu temples and Christian churches and replacement with mosques, and destruction of Buddhist artwork and universities and replacement with heaps of rubble. This process of cultural replacement is now beginning in the West..

Destruction of Hindu and Buddhist Culture:,2933,214195,00.html

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Obama admits he’s an alien…

August 29, 2010

A video of Obama himself, in his own words, plainly and matter-of-factly confessing that he was born in Kenya, not the United States.
I’m totally dumbfounded that this issue isn’t even being addressed!
Sadly, instead of government of the people, by the people, and for the people, we now have an unrepentant political machine.

Gun Control?

August 28, 2010

He’s at it again.
I’ve told you to beware of an Obama sneak attack, and here it comes.
In the face a tough election year, Barack Obama and the anti-gunners are willing to do ANYTHING to infringe upon your right to keep and bear arms.
Right now, Barack Obama has teamed up with liberal special interest groups to use the un-elected bureaucrats in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban all traditional forms of ammunition.
That’s right, Obama and his cronies are trying to ban ALL your ammo.
By using the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976, they want to ban all hunting, target and self-defense ammo that contains lead, no matter how little.
Make no mistake — this is gun control at its worst.
Since your actions have stopped their plans to pass ammo and gun bans so far in congress,  they’re using the old end-run.
Obama and his anti-gun cronies in the EPA know that by banning all but the most expensive ammo, they’ve effectively banned your guns in all but name.
And they’ve certainly destroyed the red-blooded American past time of just plain shooting.
To make matters worse, the anti-gunners are hoping to sneak this attack on our Second Amendment Rights through as a bureaucratic rule change.
They know that when they introduce gun control as legislation that gun owners like you and I have tremendous grassroots power.
The anti-gun lobby knows that is you keep the heat on congress most members of Congress will be afraid of angering gun owners so close to an election.
So they’re simply bypassing the democratic, legislative process all together by counting on bureaucrats in the EPA to do their anti-gun dirty work.
Think this doesn’t apply to you? Think again.
The goal of this rule change is simple: drive the price of ammo through the roof for all but law enforcement and the military.
Virtually all hunting, target and self-defense ammo has some lead components.
They’re trying to disarm us one bullet at a time.
But here’s where our opportunity comes: The EPA has opened up a public comment period on this proposed attack on our right to keep and bear arms.
And I want you to join with me in making them rue the day they opened up this can of worms.
I want federal staff members –- who are required by law to seek “public input” into this regulatory change –- to receive an avalanche of “public input” on this issue.
But comments to the Obam-crats at the EPA are not likely to make much difference.  After all, they are not up for re-elections.

That’s why I am going to take a copy of every single petition and deliver it to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid with a simple message…

If the EPA ban ammunition, gun owners will hold Pelosi, Reid and their Democrat majorities 100% responsible for doing nothing to stop it.

Seriously. I want this to go down in the history books right next to dumping tea in Boston harbor as a moment of public protest over unjust and outrageous government overstepping of authority.
Please take a moment to make your voice heard by the bureaucrats at the EPA… and be a part of this epic battle to save our firearms rights.
Click here to sign the National Association for Gun Rights “Stop Barack’s Bullet Ban” petition against this outrageous sneak attack on our rights.

A Poem about the ‘Dog’ days of Obama

August 22, 2010

Obama is the shepherd I did not want.
He leadeth me beside the still factories.

He restoreth my faith in the Republican party.
He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line,
I shall fear no hunger, for his bailouts are with me.

He has anointed my income with taxes,
My expenses runneth over.

Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will live in a mortgaged home forever..

I am glad I am American,
I am glad that I am free,

But I wish I was a dog,
And Obama was a tree!

~Author Unknown

It is what it is…

August 21, 2010
“Christianity Through Jewish Eyes”

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“Upon This Rock”Upon This Rock gives the profound Biblical perspective of the Temple Mount, the present day contention for this site and why it is the most valuable real estate on planet Earth. An extraordinary account of the Mountain of the Lord, its people and its prophetic future. This is the one-hour program that aired coast-to-coast on New Year’s Eve, 2001. Hosted by Zola and narrated by Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.

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“Secrets of the Scrolls” — New Revelations From The Dead Sea ScrollsThis program was so vital, so exciting, that we aired it on the Family Channel and other major networks at prime time. Included as the fourth program in the Secrets of the Scrolls series, it shares film footage taken in Israel during an actual archaeological dig at the very site of the finding of the scrolls! Both Dr. James Tabor and Prof. Michael Wise, a translator of the fragments, contribute to the edifying commentary.

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Out of Zion

August 21, 2010
OUT of ZION  Ministries
  Apt # 2,  9 Sachlav St,  Ramat  Almogi,    Haifa  34792,     ISRAEL.       
Tel:  972 4 8245590        Email:              Website:

Out of Zion Ministries is under the spiritual covering of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly),
Pastor  Mike Fryer  &  Motte Sircus 

The CARMEL ALERT August 20th 2010
A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
David’s Comment:  What in the World Has Happened to America  ???
A Messianic Ministry Based on Mt Carmel

I received the following information from  The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest Sunday, August 14, 2010 edition.  What you are about to read will or should shock you  ……  (you can click on the links to read more on each point)   These are just a few of the travesties against Christianity that are taking place in the only nation founded on the Old & New Testaments.  On the US Dollar note it boldly states  IN GOD WE TRUST  –  After reading the following accounts one must surely ask  ” what god is that referring to ?” or what in the world has happened to the once strongly Christian,  United States of America.”

You can’t pray on the steps of the Supreme Court.  You can’t preach from the Scriptures at a Gay Pride Parade.  A New Mexico federal judge warned a graduating class that he was sending a US Marshall to their graduation to ensure nobody said the Name ‘Jesus’ or they would spend six months in jail.  “Anyone who violates these orders, no kidding, is going to wish that he or she had died as a child when this court gets through with it,” the judge told the students. 

A teacher at the Lynn Lucas Middle School in Houston Texas threw away two students’ “Truth for Youth” Bibles, calling them “garbage.” She then took the students to the principal’s office where she threatened to call Child Protective Services on their parents for permitting them to bring their Bibles.  Later at the same school, different officials threw away students’ book covers showing the Ten Commandments, claiming the commandments were hate speech and could offend students. 

Senior citizens in Balch Springs, Texas were forbidden from saying grace before meals because the food they were grateful for was federally-subsidised.   Praying over federally-subsidized food violates the provisions of the 1st Amendment where it says, “Congress shall make no rule respecting the establishment of religion nor prohibit the free exercise thereof.”

In another case, school officials at the University of New Orleans denied Michelle Beadle permission to hand out an evangelistic tract that encourages Jewish people to embrace Jesus Christ as the true Messiah.  The university told Beadle, a Messianic Jew who works as a missionary for Christian Jew Foundation Ministries, that the content of the literature ‘may be offensive’ to some people.

There are probably dozens, if not hundreds of similar instances of this kind of extreme anti-Christian persecution.  If the founding fathers could see what is taking place in America today, they would be spinning in their graves.  How did it come to this ?     Have you ever heard of Muslims being told they can’t pray.  They stop and pray anywhere they like. Can you imagine the furore if they were told they can’t pray on public property.  Remember what happened in Denmark over an insulting cartoon.  Imagine what the media would say if Muslim prayer was banned except inside their Mosques.

I believe the Church, has been asleep or afraid to fight for the Faith  and has allowed the Athiests, the Satanists, the Islamists and the Gay brigade to get such a big foot in the door, there is no turning back.  The Body of Messiah needs to learn from our enemies and indignantly resist the encroachment of the enemy.  They never give up.  If they lose one battle, they retreat, regroup and attack again, until they achieve their demands. 

And then there is the Mosque they want to build at Ground Zero.  3000 innocent people died when the Twin Towers were destroyed by 19 Muslim terrorists and yet they have the audacity to want to build a shrine to worship Allah.  In times past they wouldn’t have stood a chance but in today’s PC world, there is only a very limited outcry against this offense  to the memory of those who perished.  I believe most Americans are appalled by the thought of a Mosque so close to Ground Zero, but most don’t dare raise their voice against it. Even New York’s Jewish mayor is in favour of it.  Someone please suggest to Mayor Bloomberg that he should builds a synagogue or church anywhere in Saudi Arabia and see how far he gets. 

I believe that the two greatest threats to Western civilization are the Muslims and the Gays.  Our nations bend over backwards to appease both groups.  Seems the West has forgotten how Islam has tried to wipe out Judaism and Christianity in the past, and that the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination under Allah.  In the past they used outright force and violence to achieve their goal, but in our time the ‘peaceful majority’ work quietly behind the scenes taking advantage of the Western worlds foolish ‘political correctness’, while the radical minority continue their murderous Jihad.  However, the goals of both are identical – to subdue and dominate the rest of the world and it seems the Jewish & Christian nations are their primary target.

You don’t have to be a professor to see how the gays have been working furiously to impose their abominable sexual orientation upon the normal world.  Like the Muslims they have been working quietly behind the scenes and more radically out in the open.  They too us political correctness and human rights to brainwash the rest of us into accepting their abominable practices as normal.  They too never give up.  Praise the Lord, their attempt to have Gay marriage legalised in California has been blocked.  But mark my words, they will be back to try again before too long.  And they will probably get their wicked way because the rest of us are silent.  I have said this before and I will say it again – it is time for the people of God to get MILITANT  –  spiritually in prayer and with the secular media. 

Actually there are 3 main threats to Western civilization.  Who is the 3rd ?  I am glad you asked !   its YOU & ME – if we dont rise up, speak up and front up to oppose the flood of evil that is engulfing us.   As you contemplate this article and wonder  “What in the World Has Happened to America ?”  consider you own nation –  it probably isn’t too far behind the United States.

The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist on the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. 
Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God.  Do not be silent, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray for that breakthrough to the Muslims,  and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF -they are defending and fighting for the Kingdom of God.

Shabbat Shalom …. David & Josie 

1.  John Bolton: Russia’s Loading of Nuke Fuel Into Iran Plant Means Aug. 21 Deadline for Israeli Attack    Aug 13th David  A. Patten
   News that Russia will load nuclear fuel rods into an Iranian reactor has touched off a countdown to a point of no return, a deadline by which Israel would have to launch an attack on Iran’s Bushehr reactor before it becomes effectively “immune” to any assault, says former Bush administration U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton.  Once the fuel rods are loaded, Bolton told Fox News on Friday afternoon, “it makes it essentially immune from attack by Israel. Because once the rods are in the reactor an attack on the reactor risks spreading radiation in the air, and perhaps into the water of the Persian Gulf.”   Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared in March that Russia would  start the Bushehr reactor this summer. But the announcement from a spokesman for Russia’s state atomic agency to Reuters Friday sent international diplomats scrambling to head off a crisis.
   The story immediately became front-page news in Israel, which has laid precise plans to carry out an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities while going along with President Obama’s plans to use international sanctions and diplomatic persuasion to convince Iran’s clerics not to go nuclear.  Bolton made it clear that it is widely assumed that any Israeli attack on the Bushehr reactor must take place before the reactor is loaded with fuel rods.  “most people think that neither Israel nor the United States, come to that, would attack the reactor after it’s been fueled.”
   The developments mean Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu soon may face a stark choice: Attack the Bushehr reactor in the next 8 days, or allow it to become operational despite the certainty it would greatly enhance Iran’s ability to create nuclear weapons.   The failure to demand it be shut down began in the Bush years, he said,  and continues with the Obama administration “under what I believe is the mistaken theory that Iran is entitled to the peaceful use of nuclear energy.”    Russia’s move would put Iran “in a much better position overall,” he said, adding, “I think this is a very delicate point, as I say, it closes off to the Israelis one possible target for pre-emptive military action.  U.N. sanctions against Iran, he said, “have not had and will not have any material effect on Iran’s push to have deliverable nuclear weapons.”
Please pray that any attack by Israel and or the USA  will not ignite a major M.E. war

2. Hezbollah Prepares for War   Yahoo News  Aug 13th
    With tensions mounting along their shared border, Israel’s military says Hezbollah is moving fighters and weapons into the villages of south Lebanon, building up a secret network of arms warehouses, bunkers and command posts in preparation for war.   The Israeli military has begun releasing detailed information about what it calls Hezbollah’s new border deployment,  four years after a cross-border raid by its guerrillas triggered a 34-day war.  Israel’s military says Hezbollah has changed strategy since the last war, moving most of its fighters and weapons from wooded rural areas into villages. It says the aim is to avoid detection and use to civilians for cover if war erupts.  The military says all of this exists under the nose of 12,000 international peacekeepers who, by their own count, conduct up to 340 patrols a day in south Lebanon but are hobbled by a hostile population and rules preventing them from searching private property.
    In an interview with The Associated Press on Mount Adir, a hill overlooking the border, an officer from the military’s Northern Command pointed through the summer haze at the village of Aita al-Shaab.   One of its southernmost buildings, a white structure housing mentally handicapped children, is a Hezbollah lookout post, the officer said. Several guerrilla command posts are in civilian buildings in the centre of Aita al-Shaab, she said, with several dozen fighters able to move among houses through underground tunnels. The military would not allow her name to be used because of the sensitivity of her job.   The village also houses a network of warehouses holding arms trucked in from Iran via Syria, she said, some in stand-alone structures and some in smaller stashes in garages, basements and buried under backyards.
     The officer said the guerrillas now have 5,000 fighters operating in the buffer zone between the border and the Litani River ­ a strip ranging from 5 kilometres to 30 kilometres (3 miles to 18 miles) wide ­ which is supposed to be free of militant activity under the 2006 cease-fire. In late 2009, Nasrallah said Hezbollah’s rocket arsenal stood at 30,000. Israel says it’s now about 40,000.  In preparation for a new round against Hezbollah, the Israeli military has simulated parts of south Lebanon at a training base called Elyakim, about an hour’s drive south from the border. A second facility in central Israel is nearing completion.   One day in late July, near a mock Lebanese village of grey concrete, a company of sweating Israeli infantry recruits staged a manoeuvre through thick Lebanese-style undergrowth, complete with rockets hidden in the bushes and bombs camouflaged as rocks.  A square metal cover on the earth opened onto a concrete tunnel where Lt. Natan Mann stood in the dark, drilling his men for the real thing.   “The army has made tactical changes and changes in its mindset,” said Mann, 23, one hand on the plastic grip of his rifle. “We’re either at war, or we’re training for war.”
Please pray that the Lord will move His hand mightly in the future war with Lebanon & Syria
3. Israel, PA Reported On Verge of Direct Talks    ICEJ News  Aug 16th
    According to various press reports over the weekend, Israel and the Palestinian Authority are on the verge of publicly agreeing to direct talks, although there is still uncertainty whether both sides will accept the terms of reference for such negotiations expected to be issued by the Mideast Quartet by Tuesday.  Reuters reported over the weekend that, according to a letter in its possession signed by the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton, PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas is ready to announce this week his readiness to finally move to direct negotiations with Israel, some 18 months after Benjamin Netanyahu became prime minister.
    The Quartet “should help President Abbas rally enough support, both at home and abroad, to engage in direct talks,” Ashton reportedly said. Ashton added in the letter that Israel must stop building in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and other conditions, which she said must “be issued concurrently with the announcement of the launch of direct talks.”   The impending Quartet statement is expected to reaffirm a March 19 communique’ which called for a halt to all Israeli settlement activity and a final peace accord to be implemented within two years.  Reuters also quoted a senior Palestinian official as saying that the talks would be based on the idea of establishing a Palestinian state “on the basis of pre-1967 borders. This language is what has been accepted in all the agreements over the past 18 years by Israeli prime ministers, including Netanyahu in his first term.”  But senior officials in the Prime Minister’s Office insisted on Sunday that  Netanyahu is not budging from his long held position that there must be no preconditions for direct talks.
    Abbas is also reported to be backing down from his insistence that he will not enter into direct talks unless Israel first agrees to extend the settlement freeze past its current September 26 deadline and to expand it to include eastern Jerusalem as well. He reportedly is now ready to accept a watered down statement by the Quartet that Israel should not be building in West Bank settlements, and is planning to seek approval from the PLO Executive Committee by Tuesday for this change in position.  Meanwhile, the Hamas terror militia that rules the Gaza Strip has been urging Abbas not to agree to the talks. On Sunday, Palestinian factions in the rejectionist front warned that the talks were dangerous for Palestinian interests. “Insisting on direct talk throws a life line to Israel as its isolation deepens,” said a Hamas statement, which was also signed by Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. “A return to direct talks serves the US and Zionist aim to liquidate the national rights of the Palestinian people.” 
Please pray that the Israeli negotiating team do not cave in to Arab,US, UN, or EU demands

Palestinian Authority Arab terrorist groups have stepped up their attacks in Judea and Samaria as pressure over Israel-PA negotiations increases. Two IDF soldiers and a civilian woman were wounded in rock-throwing attacks in the past week. In other such assaults, vehicles were damaged, but the passengers escaped injury.  PA officials recently admitted Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is under intense pressure to agree to direct negotiations with Israel.  Abbas has demanded that Israel freeze construction east of the 1949 armistice line and agree to use the line as the base for negotiations on the borders of a PA state.  Only when Israel concedes will the PA begin talks, he says. Recent reports suggest Israel is under pressure to agree to Abbas’ demands. On Friday, the London-based Arabic daily Al-Hayyat reported PM Binyamin Netanyahu has agreed to give Abbas 90% of Judea and Samaria for the establishment of a PA state, and to forcibly expel the roughly 50,000 Jews living in the area.
4. PA Violence Continues Even Though Direct Peace Talks Near   Israel National News   Aug 14th
     Please pray that Israel will not enter into any agreement while the Arabs continue to reject Israel’s right to exist

5.  Israel Preparing Massive Underground Bomb Shelters     ICEJ News  Aug 19th
Israel is planning to build massive new underground bomb shelters in train stations and other public facilities, and will upgrade older shelters, all for use in case of anticipated missile barrages and chemical or biological attacks. “The State of Israel is preparing to build additional large underground spaces which would be able to absorb tens of thousands of people and protect them from non-conventional weapons for a long period of time,” Major-General Ronny Seri, head of the Home Front Command’s fortification department, told Yedioth Ahronoth on Tuesday. The new spaces are being built with state of the art air filters, medical facilities and communications lines. The new train station in southern Jerusalem will be equipped with a shelter 80 meters underground to protect up to 5,000 people against a chemical or biological attack. The subway in Haifa, a new underground parking garage in Holon, and the recently renovated Habima theater in Tel Aviv are also being planned for use as emergency public shelters against unconventional attack
Please pray for these shelters to be ready in time for the next attack against Israel

6. Algeria, Lebanon Sending Blockade Runners to Gaza   ICEJ News   Aug 19th
      Israel’s Channel 10 TV news reported on Thursday that a ship from Algeria is on its way to attempt to run the Israeli naval blockade of the Gaza Strip. The ship, which is sponsored by the Libyan government and organized by a private group called the Muslim Wise Men, has several prominent religious and political leaders aboard in addition to food, educational materials and medical supplies. Meantime, the Lebanese ship the “Miriam,” named after the Virgin Mary and carrying aid and some 70 female activists, will set sail from Lebanon on Sunday in hopes of breaking the Israeli blockade, even though Cyprus has warned the vessel will not be allowed to pass through its waters. A senior Cyprus official said today his nation has a “moral and legal responsibility” to those entering its waters, and that a blockade-busting ship could endanger lives along with “regional peace and stability,” a clear reference to the deadly Mavi Marmara incident in late May. Lebanese leaders have refused to meet with the flotilla sponsors, indicating the mission does not have their blessing. Israel has eased the Gaza blockade in recent weeks to allow everything in except weapons and dual use materials, but anti-Israel activists still appear determined to make their point. Former British MP George Galloway, whose group Viva Palestina is preparing its own aid flotilla for September, said this week:  “We are at a moment when pressure can be brought to bear as never before to frustrate Israel’s moves to crush the Palestinians.”
Please pray that these ships will be turned back before that even get close to confronting the Israeli navy

7. Hamas on Killing spree in Gaza   Alex Fishman   YNet news  Aug 9th
    News about bodies occasionally found at sea are published by Gaza newspapers. The number of such bodies isn’t huge, yet not all those drowning victims chose to go swimming voluntarily. The Gazans who found their death at sea include mid-level officials at sensitive government ministries.  Some of them were shot in the head before being sent on their swim. There is a common denominator to these deaths: All of the victims were designated as traitors by the secret service of Hamas’ military wing in charge of counter-espionage and executed as collaborators. And these are not just simple collaborators, but rather, people who penetrated deep into Hamas’ government; so deep that Hamas leaders are embarrassed to expose the failure and prefer to make these people disappear, with or without a brief court-martial.
    These are clear signs of distress for Hamas’ regime… The group failed to breach the naval blockade, failed to breach the obstacle of global recognition (Hamas flirts with the Norwegians and Swiss, who make great promises without the ability to deliver) and failed to breach the obstacle of Arab recognition… Meanwhile, the religious pressure keeps building up inside the Strip. Religious laws are becoming stricter and expand: Beardless men feel unease, while women are not allowed to smoke nargilas and must don a burqa, and so on. Gaza’s streets are becoming Iran-like.
   Hamas’ frustration already comes with a price: The recent rockets fired at Ashkelon and Sderot were shot by Hamas’ military wing, without notifying the group’s political leadership. There is no doubt that this fire aimed to destroy the calm and reignite the conflict against Israel & However, Hamas suffered a greater embarrassment following the delusional rocket attack on Eilat, which ended up killing and wounding people in Jordan’s Aqaba of all places.
Please pray that the world will wake up the wickedness of Hamas

     *  Recommended U-Tube Video Clips  *

NEW The Identity of the Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures

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       For those who want to boycott Israel

     Israeli innovation 

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85 other YouTube videos about Israel at: